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  United Nations


Economic and Social Council

Distr: General
12 February 1993
Original: English

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1993/207. Establishment of the Commission on Sustainable Development

At its 3rd plenary meeting, on 12 February 1993, the Economic and Social Council, having considered the note by the Secretary-General,/5 and in accordance with General Assembly resolution 47/191 of 22 December 1992:

  1. Decided to establish the commission on Sustainable Development as a functional commission of the Council with the functions as enumerated in paragraphs 3 to 5 of General Assembly resolution 47/191;

  2. Also decided that the Commission should be composed of fifty-three members elected from among the States Members of the United Nations and members of the specialized agencies for a term of office of three years according to the following allocation of seats:

    1. Thirteen seats for African States;

    2. Eleven seats for Asian States;

    3. Six seats for Eastern European States;

    4. Ten seats for Latin American and Caribbean States;

    5. Thirteen seats for Western European and other States;

  3. Further decided that elections for membership in the Commission should be held on 16 February 1993;

  4. Recommended that the General Assembly, taking into account its resolution 1798 (XVII) of 11 December 1962, should make the necessary provisions so that travel expenses for one of the representatives of each Member State elected to the Commission on Sustainable Development participating in a session of the Commission or its subsidiary organs would be paid from the regular budget of the United Nations;

  5. Decided that the Commission should meet annually for a period of two to three weeks and that, as a transitional measure, an organizational session of the Commission should be held at Headquarters from 24 to 26 February 1993 and that the first substantive session of the Commission should be held at Headquarters from 14 to 25 June 1993;

  6. Approved the following provisional agenda for the organizational session of the Commission:

1. Election of the Chairman and other members of the Bureau

2. Provisional agenda and organization of work of the Commission at its first substantive session

3. Outline of a multi-year thematic programme of work for the Commission

4. Other organizational issues.