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  United Nations


General Assembly

Distr: General
12 December 1960
Original: English

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Fifteenth session
Agenda item 65

Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly

1505 (XV). Future work in the field of the codification and progressive development of international law

The General Assembly,

Bearing in mind the purposes and principles of the United Nations,

Considering that the conditions prevailing in the world today give increased importance to the role of international law - and its strict and undeviating observance by all Governments - in strengthening international peace, developing friendly and co-operative relations among the nations, settling disputes by peaceful means and advancing economic and social progress throughout the world,

Recalling its resolutions 1236 (XII) of 14 December 1957 and 1301 (XIII) of 10 December 1958,

Mindful of Article 13, paragraph 1, of the Charter of the United Nations, which provides that the General Assembly shall initiate studies and make recommendations for the purpose of encouraging the progressive development of international law and its codification,

Considering the extent of the progress made by the International Law Commission in the codification of topics listed in paragraph 16 of the report covering its first session,/3

Expressing its appreciation to the Commission for the work it has accomplished in the field of the codification and progressive development of international law,

Considering that many new trends in the field of international relations have an impact on the development of international law,

Considering that it is desirable to survey the present state of international law, with a view to ascertaining whether new topics susceptible of codification or conducive to progressive development have arisen, whether priority should be given to any of the topics already included in the Commission's list or whether a broader approach may be called for in the consideration of any of these topics,

Deeming it necessary therefore to reconsider the Commission's programme of work in the light of recent developments in international law and with due regard to the need for promoting friendly relations and cooperation among States,

1.Decides to place the question entitled "Future work in the field of the codification and progressive development of international law" on the provisional agenda of its sixteenth session in order to study and survey the whole field of international law and make necessary suggestions with regard to the preparation of a new list of topics for codification and for the progressive development of international law;

2.Invites Member States to submit in writing to the Secretary-General, before 1 July 1961, any views or suggestions they may have on this question for consideration by the General Assembly.

943rd plenary meeting
12 December 1960