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  United Nations


General Assembly

Distr: General
16 December 1976
Original: English

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Thirty-first session
Agenda item 60 c

Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly

31/109. Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolutions 3001 (XXVII) of 15 December 1972, 3128 (XXVIII) of 13 December 1973, 3325 (XXIX) of 16 December 1974 and 3438 (XXX) of 9 December 1975 on the preparations for Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements,

Considering that solutions to human settlements problems around the world are urgently required,

Bearing in mind the Declaration and the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order/15 and the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States/16 and the importance for the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade of improving human settlements around the world as a major component in improving the quality of life,

Noting that Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements was held at Vancouver from 31 May to 11 June 1976:

  1. To stimulate innovation, serve as a means for the exchange of experience and ensure the widest possible dissemination of new ideas and technologies in the field of human settlements,

  2. To formulate and make recommendations for an international programme in this field which will assist Governments,

  3. To stimulate interest in developing appropriate financial systems and institutions for human settlements among those making financial resources available and those in a position to use such resources, considering that the most appropriate and effective action for dealing with human settlements problems is action at the national level, but that such action will require assistance and co-operation between and among all States,

1. Expresses its appreciation and thanks to the Government of Canada for the excellent organization, facilities and generous hospitality provided for Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements;

2. Expresses appreciation to the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme for the guidance as well as the generous support it provided for the Conference;

3. Takes note of the report of the Conference, including the Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements, 1976,/17 the recommendations for national action/18 and the resolutions for international co-operation;/19

4. Commends the Secretary-General of the Conference on the successful preparation and organization of the Conference;

5. Urges the Governments of all Member States to consider, on a priority basis, the recommendations for national action contained in the report and to take those recommendations into account when reviewing their existing policies and strategies in the field of human settlements;

6. Calls upon the regional commissions and urges all other international organizations within and outside the United Nations system to take intensified and sustained action in support of national efforts, including exchanges of information and assistance, at the request of Governments, in the formulation, design, implementation and evaluation of projects to improve human settlements;

7. Requests the Secretary-General to convene regional meetings, as appropriate, within the framework of the regional commissions, to establish guidelines for the co-ordination, within each region, of action to be taken in order to deal with human settlements and to report to the General Assembly on the results of their deliberations no later than at the thirty-second session;

8. Takes note of the notes by the Secretary-General transmitting reports on the regional meetings already held within the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Economic Commission for Europe./20

101st plenary meeting
16 December 1976