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Nuclear weapons tests1]

The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment,

Considering that there is radioactive contamination of the environment from nuclear weapons tests,

Taking into account the reports of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation,

Believing that all exposures of mankind to radiation should be kept to the minimum possible and should be justified by benefits that would otherwise not be obtained,

Considering that the United Nations has endorsed world treaties such as the Partial Test Ban Treaty and the Sea-Bed Denuclearization Treaty and regional treaties such as the Tlatelolco Treaty for the Denuclearization of Latin America, and has repeatedly called for the cessation of nuclear weapons tests,


  1. To condemn nuclear weapons tests, especially those carried out in the atmosphere;

  2. To call upon those States intending to carry out nuclear weapons tests to abandon their plans to carry out such tests since they may lead to further contamination of the environment.